1. Her study of the situation covers a great deal of relevant material but does not tackle the real issues ______ enough.
a. disturbingly
b. outrageously
c. vaguely
d. adequately
e. currently
2. For the time being, the rate of economic growth is satisfactory, but ______ when foreign competition makes itself felt, this will not be the case.
a. enthusiastically
b. eventually
c. considerably
d. effectively
e. preferably
3. Serbian ______ in Bosnia has been strongly condemned by the U.S. but little serious action has been taken against it.
a. conduct
b. settlement
c. investment
d. treaty
e. compliment
4. In view of the severe economic recession her appointment to ministry was regarded as highly ______.
a. refutable
b. compulsory
c. persuasive
d. appropriate
e. considerable
5. In a child, curiosity normally shows intelligence and is welcomed; but an _____ adult is best avoided.
a. indefinite
b. indulgent
c. indecisive
d. impartial
e. inquisitive
6. I am not ______ that Jack’s proposal actually will lead to an improvement in the current situation.
a. impressed
b. deterred
c. convinced
d. refrained
e. deserved
7. It is a society that is _____ to fighting war on all sorts of environmental pollution.
a. regarded
b. preferred
c. referred
d. committed
e. upheld
8. Most of the pictures sent from space are presently on ______ in the university library.
a. duty
b. display
c. account
d. exchange
e. reinforcement
9. One way ______ reducing waste is to recycle such things ______ glass and paper.
a. of / as
b. to / of
c. as / off
d. in / to
e. with / in
10. Three of these new medicines, capable ______ curing some of diseases, are sometimes hazardous ______ use or disposal.
a. about / with
b. for / at
c. by / through
d. in / by
e. of / in
11. As she failed to reply in time, the organizers took her name ______ the list.
a. below
b. to
c. in
d. by
e. off
12. The jury ruled that the evidence given by the witnesses at the trial was not significant ______ to prove the doctor guilty of negligence.
a. already
b. alright
c. enough
d. fairly
e. still
13. ______ of the information Mary gave could have been found in any book on the subject.
a. A few
b. Many
c. Few
d. Much
e. A great many
14. The manager has promised that ______ finds a solution to this difficult problem will be well awarded.
a. who
b. whoever
c. the one
d. whomsoever
e. anyone
15. I was very impressed by both the qualifications and the personality of the last candidate, but ______ on the selection election committee was.
a. all the rest
b. several others
c. many
d. hardly anyone else
e. most of the others
16. A few of the members of the research team haven't handed in their reports yet, and I must admit I haven't ______ .
a. as well
b. too
c. either
d. also
e. neither
17. Take your lawyer with you to the meeting ______ there are problems she can deal with for you?
a. whether
b. Even if
c. as ever
d. unless
e. in case
18. Shouldn’t they ______ a detailed study of the region before they chose the site for the new factory?
a. to have to make
b. have made
c. making
d. having made
e. to be made
19. Since she became the chairwoman of the company she ______ used to working late, and she seems to enjoy it.
a. has got
b. gets
c. was getting
d. had got
e. will be getting
20. Till the end of the talks we could not find out whether or not the minister ______ to sign the treaty.
a. will agree
b. would agree
c. has agreed
d. is going to agree
e. has to agree
21. By the end of the first quarter 21st century all the countries in the European Community ______ a political union.
a. formed
b. have formed
c. are forming
d. are being formed
e. will have formed
22. The directors of several banks complained that they ______ adequate notice regarding this new monetary policy.
a. are not being given
b. are not given
c. haven't given
d. had not been given
e. will not be giving
23. Hardly ever ______ such a gathering of famous scientists from so many different countries.
a. there was
b. there has been
c. has there been
d. would there have been
e. there had been
24. The workers ______ able to rescue some of those who ______ still alive under the ruins.
a. should be / were
b. were / were
c. might have been / have been
d. will be / would be
e. were / will be
25. I wished I hadn't given her a job in the company______ .
a. although she is less efficient than I once assumed
b. unless she makes a big effort to prove she can be useful
c. wherever a suitable vacancy may occur
d. that my father was a founding member
e. when I saw her behaving in such an irresponsible manner
26. Andy must have taken my car ______ .
a. since no one else knows where I keep the car keys
b. that I left it in front of the office
c. if we have arranged to meet at the dentist's
d. since he would never do such a thing
e. as soon as I get back from the concert
27. Wouldn't it be wise to seek a second alternative______ ?
a. as events were to prove in the end
b. if the operation had to take place
c. that it was legally sound
d. before we come to any definite decision
e. why there were no obvious problems
28. The new Spanish administration is still hesitating about ______ .
a. who would have presided over the Senate
b. why so many new taxes had been imposed
c. whether to increase expenditure on education
d. how the problem of famine in Asia had been overcome
e. which program had been approved by the committee
29. Unless the southern part of the country gets some rain soon ______ .
a. they were considering reducing supplies even further
b. cotton would not have been a suitable crop for the area
c. they have already started to irrigate the rice fields
d. it seems that the new dam is not very efficient
e. there'll be a poor fruit crop this year
30. Even though there were so many applicants for the vacant position, ______ .
a. not one of them had the qualifications required
b. actually the salary is expected to improve
c. the new recruits will be put on a three-week special training program
d. unfortunately some of the staff had already resigned
e. the personnel department cannot cope with the paper work
31. ______ which was on a very important situation.
a. They seemed interested in both houses
b. We really need a hotel
c. I arrived late for the meeting
d. It should have been easy to get there
e. His mother decided to come by car
32. ______ that the case was much more problematical than he had originally thought.
a. According to the lawyer, much is involved
b. The witnesses were called in
c. As the police had reported
d. Following the uproar caused by the press coverage
e. In the light of the new evidence, the judge realized
33.You may take your salary in foreign currency, if you wish.
a. Maaşınızı döviz olarak alma istediğinizi belirtiniz.
b. Maaşınızı döviz olarak alabilmeniz için başvuruda bulunmanız gerekir.
c. Maaşınızı döviz olarak almak istediğinizi yazı ile bildirin.
d. Arzu ederseniz, maaşınızı döviz olarak alabilirsiniz.
e. İsterseniz maaşınızın dilediğiniz miktarı döviz olarak ödenebilir.
34. Whatever verdict the jury gives, the public will always regard him as guilty.
a. Jürinin kararına rağmen, herkes onu hala suçlu olarak görüyor.
b. Jüri nasıl karar verirse versin, halk onu daima suçlu olarak görecek.
c. Herkesin onu suçlaması, jürinin vereceği kararı etkilemeyecek.
d. Onun suçu ile ilgili olarak mahkemenin vereceği kararı herkes merakla bekliyor.
e. Jüri ceza vermese bile, o yine de herkesin gözünde suçlu olacaktır.
35. After the World War II, higher education became one of the policy priorities for western governments.
a. Yükseköğretim, batılı hükümetler için ancak İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra siyasi özelliği olan bir konu oldu.
b. Yükseköğretim, ancak İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra batılı hükümetlerin üzerine öncelikle eğildikleri bir konu oldu.
c. İkinci Dünya Savaşı’ndan sonra, yükseköğretim batılı hükümetler için siyasi önceliklerden biri oldu.
d. Batılı hükümetlerin savaş sonrası siyasetlerinde yükseköğretim konusu önemli bir yer tutmaktadır.
e. İkinci Dünya Savaşı sonrası dönemde, yükseköğretim, batılı ülkelerin en çok önem verdikleri konulardan biriydi.
36. Very few people are able to adapt more easily to sudden changes in working conditions.
a. Çok az insan, çalışma koşullarındaki ani değişimlere daha kolay uyum sağlayabiliyor.
b. Çalışma koşullarında önemli gelişmeler yaparak, çok az insanın işe daha kolay uyum sağlanmasına olanak verilebilir.
c. Çok az insanın kolay uyum sağlamaları için çalışma koşullarının derhal değiştirilmesi gerekir.
d. Çok az insanın işlerine kolay uyum sağlamaları çalışma koşullarındaki köklü değişikliklere bağlıdır.
e. Çok az insanın çalışma koşullarına kolay uyum sağlayabilmeleri için değişiklik gerekebilir.
37. All through the 1960s many industrial countries experienced an important energy crisis owing to the rapid rise in oil prices.
a. 1960’lı yıllarda petrol fiyatlarındaki hızlı artış, en çok sanayi ülkelerinde enerji bunalımı yarattı.
b. 1960’larda tüm sanayi ülkelerinde yaşanan ciddi enerji bunalımına petrol fiyatlarındaki hızlı artış yol açmıştır.
c. 1960’lar boyunca, pek çok sanayi ülkesi, petrol fiyatlarındaki hızlı artış nedeniyle ciddi bir enerji bunalımı yaşadı.
d. Sanayi ülkelerinde 1960’larda yaşanan enerji bunalımının temel nedeni petrol fiyatlarındaki sürekli değişiklikti.
e. 1960’lı yıllarda petrol fiyatlarındaki ani değişiklikler, sanayi ülkelerini ciddi bir enerji bunalımına sürükledi.
38. Although a number of measures have been taken to prevent the smuggling of arms, the problem has not yet been solved.
a. Alınan tüm önlemler, silah kaçakçılığını engellemede ve sorunu kökten çözümlemede yetersiz kalmıştır.
b. Silah kaçakçılığı sorununun çözümlenebilmesi için daha pek çok önlem alınması gerekiyor.
c. Alınan çeşitli önlemler sonucu silah kaçakçılığı azalmışsa da sorun tamamen çözümlenmiş değildir.
d. Silah kaçakçılığını engellemek için bir dizi önlem alınmasına rağmen, sorun henüz çözümlenmiş değildir.
e. Silah kaçakçılığına karşı alınan bir dizi önleme rağmen, sorunun çözümü mümkün görülmemektedir.
39. If the birth rate is not effectively controlled, particularly in the poorer countries, the resources of the world will soon be used up.
a. Doğum oranı, özellikle yoksul ülkelerde, yeterince denetim altına alınmazsa dünya kaynakları kısa sürede tükenecektir.
b. Dünya kaynaklarının hemen tükenmemesi için yoksul ülkelerde doğum oranı denetim altına alınmalıdır.
c. Yoksul ülkelerdeki doğum oranı denetlenmediği sürece, dünyanını kaynakları yetersiz kalacaktır.
d. Özellikle yoksul ülkeler, doğum oranını denetim altına almadıkları için dünyadaki tüm kaynaklar kısa sürede tükenecektir.
e. Dünyada doğum oranı denetim altına alınınca, kaynaklar özellikle yoksul ülkelerce kullanılacaktır.
40. It is too early yet to tell whether the new minister will actually be able to fulfill the promises he has made.
a. Henüz hiç kimse yeni bakanın verdiği sözleri gerçekten yerine getirdiğini söyleyemez.
b. Yeni bakanın verdiği sözleri gerçekten yerine getirip getiremeyeceğini söylemek için henüz çok erken.
c. Yeni bakan gerçekten o kadar çok söz verdi ki bunları yerine getirip getiremeyeceğini söylemek için daha çok erken.
d. Yeni bakan, verdiği sözleri yerine getirebilmesi için vaktin çok erken olduğunu söylüyor.
e. Yeni bakandan verdiği sözleri yerine getirmesini istemek için vakit henüz çok erken.
41. The recently-appointed head of the department should gain the confidence of the faculty before she can introduce any radical changes.
a. Bölümde köklü değişiklikleri başlatmak üzere atanan yeni bölüm başkanı, öncelikle öğretim üyelerinin desteğine gerek duydu.
b. Yeni atanan bölüm başkanı, öncelikle öğretim üyelerinin güvenini kazanmaya çalışarak bir değişiklik yarattı.
c. Yeni atanan bölüm başkanı, kapsamlı değişiklikleri başlatmadan önce tüm öğretim üyelerinin güvenini kazandı.
d. Yeni atanan bölüm başkanı, köklü değişiklikler başlatmadan önce öğretim üyelerinin güvenini kazanmak zorundadır.
e. Öncelikle öğretim üyelerinin desteğini isteyen yeni bölüm başkanı, önemli değişikliklere daha sonra başladı.
42. As Dr Monroe has demonstrated in her latest article, it is the underdeveloped countries that have been worst hit by the economic recession.
a. Son makalesinde Dr Monroe’nun belirttiği gibi, az gelişmiş ülkelerindeki ekonomik durgunluğun etkisi çok yaygındır.
b. Dr Monroe, son makalesinde, ekonomik bunalımların en yoğun olarak azgelişmiş ülkelerde yaşandığını öne sürdü.
c. Dr Monroe’nun son makalesinde de belirttiği gibi, azgelişmiş ülkeler ekonomik durgunluktan en çok etkilenenlerin başında geliyor.
d. Ekonomik bunalım nedeniyle ekonomileri sarsılan azgelişmiş ülkeler Dr Monroe’nun son makalesine konu oldular.
e. Son makalesinde Dr Monroe’nun açıkladığı gibi, ekonomik durgunluktan en kötü biçimde etkilenenler, azgelişmiş ülkelerdir.
43. Dünyadaki pek çok havayolunun tersine, “Red Air'' bu yıl kar etmeyi gerçekten başarmıştır.
a. Unlike many of the world's airlines, “Red Air'' has actually managed to make a profit this year.
b. “Red Air'' is just one of the world airlines which has managed to make a substantial profit this year.
c. Very many of the world's airlines have, unlike “Red Air'', managed to make a good profit this year.
d. Even though there are so many world airlines, “Red Air'' has still managed to make a profit this year.
e. Contrary to what many world airlines have inferred, “Red Air'' really has made a profit this year.
44. Güney Amerika ülkelerindeki uyuşturucu kaçakçılığı ile ilgili raporunuzu sundunuz mu?
a. Isn't your report concerning the drug trafficking across the South American Countries due in yet?
b. Have you submitted your report concerning the drug trafficking in the South American Countries yet?
c. Has your report on drug traffic to be submitted for consideration to the South American Countries?
d. Haven't you been asked yet by the South American Countries to submit a report on drug traffic?
e. Hasn't the subject of drug traffic in the South American Countries been included in your report?
46. Müdür, yıllık toplantıyı açış konuşmasında harcamalarda kesinti yapılması gereğini vurguladı.
a. In his opening speech at the annual conference, the director will discuss ways of curtailing expenditure.
b. The director stressed at the annual conference that ways to reduce expenditure would have to be considered.
c. In his opening address at the annual conference, the director stressed the need to cut down on expenditure.
d. The emphasis the director gave to cutting down on expenditure was well received at the annual conference.
e. The expenses of the annual conference, maintained the director in his speech, would have to be reduced.
47. Onun görüşüne göre, özel sektör gelişmek için çok daha fazla rekabete ihtiyaç duymaktadır.
a. His view is that the need of the private sector for competition has been overrated.
b. He reckons that it is the keener competition that makes the private sector flourish.
c. His argument is that there should be more competition from the flourishing private sector.
d. The private sector, he thinks, needs much more competition to flourish.
e. The private sector, in his opinion, has done well because it faces constant competition.
48. Tam Avrupanın siyasi birliğine doğru gittiği sırada, azınlıklar politikası ile ilgili çeşitli şüpheler ortaya çıktı.
a. Various doubts regarding minorities policy surfaced and prevented the political unification of Europe.
b. Before the political unity of Europe can be really achieved, doubts regarding minorities policy must be overcome.
c. Just when Europe was heading towards political unity, various doubts regarding minorities policy came to the surface.
d. If Europe could have achieved political unity, doubts regarding minorities policy would not have emerged.
e. If only Europe could have achieved political unity economic unity would, doubtless, have followed easily.
49. İlk başta işi üstlenmede tereddüt ettiyse de şimdi kabul ettiği için memnun.
a. At first he found the work worrying; now, however, he is enjoying it.
b. Although he was reluctant at first to take on the job, he is now pleased he accepted it.
c. Now he admits that the work is enjoyable, but to start with there were a lot of problems.
d. He accepted the job cheerfully though he knew it entailed a great many problems.
e. If he had known at the start what the job entailed, he would not have accepted it so willingly.
50. Faiz oranlarındaki artışa rağmen babam bankadaki hesabını kapattı; ben de öyle yaptım.
a. Following the rise in interest rates my father has withdrawn money from his bank account, and so have I.
b. Since my father closed his account at the bank, I did too, even though interest rates are high.
c. As interest rates have risen both my father and I have opened an account at the bank.
d. Unless there had been a rise in interest rates my father would have closed his account at the bank and so would I.
e. Despite a rise in the interest rates, my father has closed his account in the bank and, so have I.
51. Başarı olasılığı bu kadar düşük bir plana yatırım yapmak için herhalde çok iyi bir sebebi vardı.
a. He must have invested in the scheme without realizing that there was little likelihood of its succeeding.
b. The scheme has so little chance of success that he couldn't have thought seriously about investing in it.
c. It is not easy to find people to invest in a project which has so little chance of success.
d. He must have had a very good reason for investing in a scheme which has so little likelihood of success.
e. He couldn't have had a good reason for investing in a scheme with so slight a chance of succeeding.
52. Şirketin iflası ile ilgili olarak gazeteler ne derse desin, ben hala bunun kaçınılmaz olduğu görüşündeyim.
a. No matter what the newspapers are saying about the firm's bankruptcy, I still maintain that it was inevitable.
b. Let the newspapers say what they want about the firm's bankruptcy, I still say it needn't have happened.
c. In spite of what the newspapers are saying, I still maintain that the firm cannot avoid bankruptcy.
d. I still maintain that bankruptcy was inevitable once the newspaper began talking about the firm in that way.
e. In my opinion the firm's going bankrupt is the way the newspapers wrote about its affairs.
53. The science of computers and the technology of their use are broad and complicated subjects. __________ . As a result, as in other similar fields so in computer sciences, there is a great variety of terminology and jargon.
a. Even children in primary schools now learn to use computers
b. Obviously there are several types of computers which would serve this particular purpose adequately
c. The languages the computer understands are easily understood by even ordinary people
d. One recent development is that computers are getting smaller and smaller
e. Moreover the rapid rate of change in this field has contributed still further to this complexity
54. __________ . The feudal lords in Britain had always run their own law courts and profited by the fines paid by those brought to court. But King Edward took many cases out of their courts and tried them in his own, taking the money for himself.
a. King Edward always had the full support of the feudal lords
b. The administration of justice in Medieval Britain was completely centralized
c. King Edward, who lived in the 13th century, was unpopular mainly because he was greedy
d. Medieval economy in England was based on agriculture
e. The history of the British Parliament goes back to the signing of Magna Carta
55. The major power of the media is that it can shape what we know about the world and can be a main source of ideas and opinions. __________ . This power is greater if we consider all the various media together, not just one, such as the pre.
a. The most influential media is obviously television
b. Indeed it can influence the way we think and but more than we realize
c. Journalists are jealous of the power of television
d. In recent decades the main concern of the Media has been democracy
e. Most governments ignore the influence of the Media on society
56. All considered, Canada has the world's most efficient overall economy. __________ . This increase in efficiency has in part been made possible by the fact that this sector is less heavily unionized than the manufacturing sector.
a. Unfortunately many American car manufacturers have lost a sizeable share of the world market
b. In fact Japan has become one of the biggest exporters of high-tech goods
c. Many American steel plants have entered a period of recession
d. Europe, however, has been making itself more efficient in the services industry
e. Competition from Germany is a threat both to Japan and the US
57. When Andre Kazmorav came to power in 1983, the Soviet Union had the only advanced economy that had not joined the computer age. As a result of this, Soviet-manufactured products found no customers in world markets. He realized that, to modernize the country, it was essential to permit the free exchange of scientific and technological ideas. __________ .
a. He played a constructive role in the reduction of weapons of mass destruction
b. The average income, over the last five years, has dropped considerably
c. The process of industrialization, therefore, came to a halt
d. Any radical political change would obviously have encountered fierce opposition
e. This, indeed, was the policy he followed while he was in power
58. The most important idea of the 18th century was that everyone had the right to personal freedom, which was the basis of capitalism. This idea had spread widely through William Shepard’s book The Real Wealth, written in the 18th century. __________ . Fewer laws, they claimed, meant more freedom, and freedom for individuals would lead to happiness for the greatest number of people.
a. The British government at this time was reluctant to make use of his ideas
b. The result was a number of laws were passed to prevent people carrying guns
c. Obviously William Shepard was well informed about working conditions in the factories
d. After William Shepard, several capitalist economists argued that governments should not interfere in trade and industry at all
e. By the turn of the 20th century, capitalism had grown less popular outside England
59. (I) The world is growing much more environmental conscious.
(II) Or else, the supply of raw materials would attract attention.
(III) This is producing some interesting developments.
(IV) Some can manufacturers, for instance, are now beginning to give priority to recycling techniques.
(V) It is this, rather than improved performance, that is receiving attention in the advertisement.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
60. (I) Hollywood is going through bad times.
(II) This is partly because studio directors are out-of touch with their audiences.
(III) Television offers no serious competition against the film industry.
(IV) It seems that they don't appreciate that adult audiences want movies they can talk about.
(V) The audience also want to be taken to places they've never been to.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
61. (I) Banking services in Italy are expected to develop dramatically this year.
(II) The installation of a computerized interbank settlement system will greatly aid this.
(III) Typical banking transactions on the new network will take less than two minutes.
(IV) Consequently no scheme for keeping down inflation has been forthcoming.
(V) Further the capacity of the services will increase threefold.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
62. (I) The neuromuscular disorder known as BFG strikes 7.000 Europeans each year.
(II) The disease involves the progressive death of motor neurons.
(III) Some families are even more susceptible to the other condition.
(IV) As the condition advances sufferers lose the ability to speak, to swallow and finally to breath.
(V) Few of them survive more than five years.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
63. (I) Today the U.S. is in the grip of a second industrial revolution.
(II) The first caused a shift from agriculture to industry.
(III) One solution to the problem of unemployment thus became apparent.
(IV) the new revolution is changing the economy away from traditional manufacturing industries to those based upon information, services and new technologies.
(V) As a result, one can't help wondering whether there'll be a third industrial revolution in the future.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
64. (I) It is clear that oil imports haven't put a great strain on the national budget.
(II) Inflation has become one of the country's most important economic problems.
(III) This is because it creates instability in the economy.
(IV) This in turn reduces capital investment which harms productivity and leads to a decline in living standards.
(V) therefore there is a chain process which is hard to break.
a. I
b. II
c. III
d. IV
e. V
65. Last night you went, with high hopes, to a recital given by a well-known cellist, but you were very disappointed by her performance. Today in the office, when asked whether you had enjoyed the concert, you said:
a. I thought the program was very well chosen.
b. The violinist was, in every respect, superb.
c. The concert hall was extremely crowded.
d. Most people seemed to enjoy themselves.
e. It certainly did not come up to my expectations.
66. You wish to buy a house but don't know the legal procedures involved. So you ask a lawyer friend of yours for help. You say:
a. Do you really think that house is worth what they are asking for it?
b. I'm buying that house I told you about. Could you come with me to help with the formalities?
c. Did I tell you I am thinking about buying the house under us?
d. I know exactly what formalities we have to go through.
e. In the long run this should be a good investment, don't you agree?
67. Due to some economic problems, a number of people in your firm are going to be made redundant. When you learn that you are not one of them you show your relief by saying:
a. Thank God I'm safe! I keep my job!
b. What a blow to all my hopes!
c. Let's get together and find a solution!
d. No one deserves such a job.
e. What a nuisance! Never mind, we'll manage.
68. The construction of a new motorway along the sea cost has been under discussion. You feel such a project would contribute immensely to the economic development of the area. So you say:
a. I don't think this particular region needs a highway of this description.
b. Actually this will be a terrible waste of the limited resources of the country.
c. The economy of the region will benefit greatly if we can put this scheme into effect.
d. If the money were spent on industrial development it would be much more sensible.
e. I suggest a special study group be set up to decide whether the project is feasible.
69. Together with your colleagues, you are trying to organize an international conference. But there seems to be some disagreement about the dates for the conference. July has been suggested, but you feel this is too early. So you say:
a. July is fine. Shall we say the first week?
b. As far as I'm concerned, July is as good as any other month.
c. July is too late. Why don't we have the conference in May?
d. We can hardly get everything organized by July; let's leave it till September.
e. Let's vote on it. I'm for July. Who else wants July?
70. The committee has been discussing the report concerning the bank's performance during the last year. As the chairwoman of the board you are of the opinion that, with some minor changes, the report is acceptable to all members of the board. So you say:
a. Unless all these corrections are made the report cannot be forwarded.
b. I conclude that basically we all approve of the report but there are still one or two corrections to be made.
c. All those corrections will take up a lot of time.
d. Actually the report ignores certain very important issues.
e. Before we approve of the report let's discuss, in detail, what we hope to achieve by it.
71. Jack: Have you been to the exhibition of Ottoman manuscripts yet?
Anton: Yes, last Sunday.
Jack: What did you think of it?
Anton: -----.
a. Some of my colleagues from the office are interested in Ottoman culture.
b. Really! I really must find time to see it.
c. Fascinating! I only wish I could have understood something of it!
d. Obviously the Ottomans had an efficient administrative system.
e. By the way, you said it was open till 6 o'clock and they closed the doors at 5 o'clock.
72. Manager: We're being hit badly by the recession.
Consultant: ………….. .
Manager: Well, what do you suggest?
Consultant: Boost the exports.
a. I know. And something must be done about it quickly.
b. Stop worrying! There's nothing we can do.
c. Yes, everyone is saying the same. Let's reduce the work force.
d. They should raise the interest rates at once.
e. I only hope there won't be another general strike.
73. Director: The Annual Shareholder! Meeting is coming up. So we must get prepared for it.
Secretary: That's true. How can I help?
Director: …………….
Secretary: Of course, that's easy. It will be ready by tomorrow.
a. Have the letters of invitation been sent out yet?
b. We'd better have a board meeting today.
c. I don't know. But there are likely to be a lot of complaints.
d. Get the usual statistical information ready for me.
e. I know many of the employees are expecting a sizeable rise in their wages.
74. Secretary: We have received reports that the epidemic is spreading in the area.
Prime Minister: Then we must take immediate action.
Secretary: ……………. .
Prime Minister: Yes, do that.
a. But we're short of medical staff there.
b. Then I'll give the orders for doctors and medical supplies to be sent there right away.
c. It seems the children are suffering most.
d. We have already flown in adequate supplies of food and blankets.
e. Who else do you think we could consult?
75. Mandy: What are the chances of winning the case?
Jack: ……………..
Mandy: Do you mean the chances are slight?
Jack: Well, I can't say I'm very hopeful.
a. If I were you I wouldn't let it worry me so much.
b. So long as nothing surprising happens, all should be well.
c. The document we have submitted contain strong evidence in our favour.
d. Don't worry, I've handled plenty of cases like this.
e. Well, a lot depends on the testimony of the witnesses.
76. Person 1: Have you worked in this kind of job before?
Person 2 : Yes, once, during my summer vacation.
Person 1: ----- .
Person 2 : No, I haven't, but I do have professional qualifications and enthusiasm.
a. So, really you haven't much experience.
b. In that case you're the sort of person we are looking for.
c. Tell me about your work background in more detail.
d. Did you enjoy the work you did?
e. Then you may know my brother; he was the managing director there.
77. As Daisy and I are going to L.A. by car, why don't you join us?
a. Will you come to L.A. with Daisy and me if we decide to take the car?
b. How about going to L.A. with Daisy and me since we're taking the car?
c. If you and Daisy decide to go to L.A., couldn't we go by car?
d. Why don't you want to go to L.A. by car with Daisy and me?
e. Haven't you decided to go to L.A. by car with Daisy and me?
78. One can hardly expect profits to increase two fold again this year.
a. Profits will probably drop by as much as 50 percent again this year.
b. They don't expect this year to be profitable at all.
c. It's quite possible that profits this year will be halved again.
d. It won't be easy to double the profits again this year.
e. It's not likely that profits will again go up by 100 percent this year.
79. What can we do to convince her that the project is sure to be successful?
a. Why can't she admit that the success of the project is in doubt?
b. Why can't we persuade her that the scheme is sure to fail?
c. How should we go about persuading her that the success of the project is assured?
d. Why must she believe that the scheme is sure to succeed?
e. Doesn't she want us to believe that the project is sure to succeed?
80. To tell you the truth, I was rather let down in this new production of Jagler.
a. To be fair, there wasn't much that was new in this production of Jagler.
b. If you really want to know, the new production of Jagler wasn't as good as I'd hoped it would be.
c. Obviously I was disappointed to learn that they were doing Jagler again.
d. Someone should have told you that the new production of Jagler is not as good as we hoped.
e. They'll have to admit that this new production of Jagler may prove unsatisfactory.
81. Meals at “Tommy’s” are undoubtedly the best in town and prices are reasonable.
a. Considering the prices, the quality of food at “Tommy’s” is not satisfactory.
b. At “Tommy’s” you get extremely good food, but you certainly pay for it.
c. Prices have gone up at “Tommy’s” but the quality of the food has gone up accordingly.
d. They don't overcharge you at “Tommy’s” and the food there is unrivalled in the town.
e. Considering how much they charge, the food they serve at “Tommy’s” is not as good as it ought to be.
82. The manager couldn't help feeling disappointed when, after all our hard work, he had to close down the factory.
a. By working even harder he could, perhaps, have managed to keep the factory open.
b. If only he could have kept the factory going the manager wouldn't have felt that all our work had been wasted.
c. Since he'd put in so much effort it was inevitable that the manager should feel upset when we couldn't keep the factory going.
d. However hard he worked the manager could not have stopped them closing down the factory.
e. When the factory was closed down it obviously upset us, but there was nothing we could do about it.